WIAW: Peas & Crayons

WIAW (But Really Tuesday…)

Hey guys! I am back for another WIAW post! All thanks to Peas & Crayons for hosting! I don’t know what it is about WIAW posts that I love so much.. Maybe it is because I am obsessed with food, eating, cooking, and knowing what everyone else has been eating? Yeah, maybe that is why I find them so interesting? Yeah, that must be it. 😉

love cook eat


Do you go shopping on Saturday and buy a bunch of yummy food? Then.. prepare it on Sunday to get ready for the week?! Do you also start writing down a bunch of yummy food that you didn’t get, but thought about AFTER you got back from the store?! Yeah, that happens to me all the time. Believe me.. I buy enough food to last me 3828 years. But there is always a bunch of food I forget. OR it is because I start looking at WIAW posts and WANT everything that I see…

Such as cottage cheese with chives, chocolate/raspberry chocolate bars, rice cakes, melon dew, turkey, blueberry bagels…. Yeah, I need to stop. 😛

blueberry bagel

Well anyways, here is what I ate yesterday (Tuesday.) 😛 Enjoy!!

If you haven’t checked out my last post: March 2014 Music Playlist: Country Edition, well then check it out! 😉 Let me know if there is any special “edition” you would like me to cover. If not, well then, just enjoy! Thanks y’all! 🙂

First things first… Coffee! You all know this.

Anything better than this? I don’t think so. 

My typical breakfast has been scrambled eggs cooked in olive oil and either toast or an english muffin!


Honest to god guys, I LOVE this breakfast. It is delicious and EXTREMELY filling. However, I will admit I REALLY look forward to my Saturday morning donuts. Guilty…

choc frosted


Lunch time! I think it is my favorite meal of the day. Besides donuts of course. 😉
This is my typical lunch, as I have mentioned before. Veggies, hummus, 2 whole grain wraps, peanut butter (and sometimes jelly,) and yogurt!


 Some other snacks that I will munch on throughout the day include: fruit, raisins, apple sauce, almonds or type of chip! Yum.


I have been drinking coffee twice a day again. Right before I go to the gym. I kicked that habit, but then it resurfaced. :/ How often do you drink coffee? Do you think twice a day is unhealthy?



A big ole salad with spinach, mushrooms, peppers, hot peppers, celery, carrots, tomatoes, black olives, and sun dried tomatoes!

An onion bagel with laughing cow light swiss cheese and chicken!

Semi sweet chocolate chips and whole milk for dessert! (unpictured)



2 thoughts on “WIAW (But Really Tuesday…)

  1. If drinking coffee twice a day is unhealthy then I am in a load of trouble haha. I’m pretty sure I drink 3 or 4 cups a day!!!!

    Everything look SOOO good. You are making me hungry haha

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